Instantly we see hip girls and guys with fancy laptops and headphones, in cool environments, trying to inspire investors and each other, having high-end conversations about changing the world that are shared on Instagram, LinkedIn, Medium or any other relevant medium.

Probably with a feeling of empathy, almost motherly/fatherly and maybe even a sense of relieve, because it’s not us…. And that’s fine.
But it’s weird.

The kind of energy start-up people have is infectious. It’s an amazing and inspiring environment to be in and be a part of. It’s an existing energy that only needs to be harnessed and directed. That’s a privilege and should be accessible for everybody, it would give the world a different spin.

But the funny thing is, that a lot of companies (and companies consist of people) that have started up many years ago, seem to have lost that kind of energy. Energy that is absolutely necessary, because the world they exist in – society, people, employees, customers, consumers  – is changing at a pace that is beyond imagination. It must be alienated, starting every day as business as usual.

It’s like companies (and I not talking all), safely created a time vacuum, where mundane things are important and consume most time of the day, and important things aren’t even recognized.

Perhaps every company should embrace a start-up mentality and focus on getting the money and having enough interesting stories to share on social media. Not only will that create that the right energy to grow as a company and as a culture, also will it attract the right kind of people and get things moving as a whole.

It reminds me of a cartoon of Gaping Void, saying: Never try to sell a meteor to a dinosaur. It wastes your time and annoys the dinosaur. You can see it here.

Long story short, my view is: A Start-up is not what you are, it’s a mindset that gets you further.

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